About Me

Overland Park, Kansas
My name is Kate, I'm 19 years old, and on March 4th 2010 I was diagnosed with kidney cancer. I was told I had to get my left kidney removed- praise the Lord I have two! A month later they took out my kidney and told me the tumor was benign! I worship a God of miracles! I am a desperately dependent follower of Christ, who feeds on God's Word like manna! I know the healing hand of God and I believe He has plans to prosper me and not to harm me! I started this blog to communicate continued prayer requests, keep people up to date on my health and daily life, and most importantly share how Christ's love is transforming my heart everyday! Thank you for all your support! God Bless! PS I love to know who is reading the blog so comments are much encouraged and loved :)

Friday, January 21, 2011


So today I'm in shoe carnival and as I walked in I saw a front display of TOMS and got excited that shoe carnival would sell them but as I got closer I noticed the huge sign that says "BOBS by Skechers, Every pair gives a pair to a child in need". My eyes got all bug eyed as I picked up one of the shoes on display. WHAT THE HECK?!?! It was the same EXACT shoe as TOMS. For some reason I this feeling of bewilderment and a little anger. I started thinking, "They completely copied them!! Thats so dumb! They just want to copy a successful business model and tac on philanthropy for the money!" I immediately called Louie to tell him how crazy I thought this was. I was freaking out telling him about it and his first response was, "Well thats awesome that more kids in need get shoes." SMACK! Wow thank you God for adding a little taste of perspective to my life. Who is supposed judge the motives of the heart??.... eh not me! My job is to give praise to The Provider that used a huge shoe company to provide children in need with shoes. It got me to thinking about how God is never limited to who He can use to accomplish his plan. We can't judge others and say that they could never be used by God in that way because they're not a believer or they are not "good enough". And on the other side you can't tell yourself that your inadequacies are too great to be used by God. What a valuable nugget of truth from God. So thankful for a boyfriend that loves the Lord so much and gives me loving correction when I need it :) 1 Peter 1:3! So yet again I am reminded that it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me; therefore I must be stripped of the flesh DAILY! Even when my flesh has a passionate loathing for Skechers for making those ridiculous Shape-up shoes (I apologize for my sassiness if you wear them- if they tighten your hiney, then more power to ya girlfriend)! Hope you have an awesome weekend!


  1. Hahaha love you kate. And its okay, I got a little angered when I heard of bobs too.

  2. LOL...... I felt the same way, but I also gave credit to Sketchers for helping kids in need;) However it's still about business, unlike Toms, whether it's for profit or for a tax break..... Sketchers always makes carbon copies of popular shoe styles, but they make them affordable which is an added plus:))

  3. well in northwest indiana they dont really sell toms we'd have to go all the way to illinois or the other side of indiana. -.- thank god for bobs!

  4. See there like brothers like mike and Ike but dey spearated With the same idea to see who will make the most money

  5. i got toms and my bff got bobs and she gets laughedat
